Monday, March 2, 2009

pang'ono pang'ono

I mentioned the tremendous challenges that the school I visited last week faces. Where do you begin? The needs here in Malawi are huge, they just don't seem to end. Like people who come knocking on our door all the time asking for help. Take this girl, for example, who stopped in at the office last week, desperately looking for assistance paying her university tuition because as an orphan with 5 younger siblings and grandparents to look after, this is the only way she can see that she can provide for them. There are problems all around but I guess all you can do is do what you can, little by little. So at the school, we gave school supplies. Yes, they also need toilets and classrooms, but at least they have some materials for teaching and learning. And as for helping this girl with her school fees, well, we'll put the word out to a few potential donors and see if we can do something. Like they say here, "Pang'ono pang'ono" -- little by little. Jesus can take our five loaves and two fish and do great things. The Kingdom of God is like a little yeast... like a mustard seed...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Please keep us updated on her progress. It's so good for us who are still living in the over abundant Western World to be reminded how much we have....and how little we give. I am praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

ps..that was me-Patience!

the VanWoerdens in Malawi | Emmanuel International